WARNING: We have multiple configuration methods for our servers' networking. To make sure you use the correct procedure when configuring additional IPs on your server, please see Add more IP Addresses.
Some of the information in this article is advanced material we make available as a courtesy. Please be advised that you are responsible for properly following the procedures below. Customer Support cannot assist with these topics.
When you receive additional IPs for your server, you have to configure your server to accept requests from them. The process to add IP addresses to your server depends on your control panel or operating system.
We automatically configure additional IP addresses for Virtual Private Servers (VPS).
. For example, if the new IP is "" you would enter ""./
. For example, if the new IP is "" you would type
is two digits less than the number of IPs the server currently will have after adding the new IP. For example, to add the server's third IP address, run cp ifcfg-eth0 ifcfg-eth0:1
is the same value as the previous step, to edit the configuration file.eth0:X
where X
is the value from the previous steps.