Embedding Images and Media Using the HTML Editor in Quick Shopping Cart
When using the HTML Editor in Quick Shopping Cart®, you can embed images or media into fields that accept HTML using the Editor tools. For example, you can embed media in a product description. Here's how:
To Embed Images Using the HTML Editor
You can embed images into Quick Shopping Cart fields that accept HTML using these instructions.
- From the HTML Editor, click
. The Media Gallery Images interface displays showing thumbnails of all uploaded image files in the Media Gallery.
- From the My Media tab, enter or select the following:
- Select image source — Indicate the image source:
- Media Gallery — Click on an image thumbnail to select it.
- Link — Enter the URL for the image.
- Upload Image — To upload a new image file, click Browse select the image you want, and then click OK.
- Search — To search for an uploaded image in the Media Gallery, enter the search criteria, and then click Search.
- Select image source — Indicate the image source:
- To specify an image description or adjust display settings for it, from the Advanced Settings tab, enter or select the following, and then click OK:
- Image Description — This is descriptive text for the image.
- Alignment — Indicate alignment for the image within the field where it's embedded.
- Dimensions — This is the pixel height and width of the image display in the field.
- Border — By default, no border is added to the image display. Enter a border width to display a border on the image.
- Vertical Space — To display the image above default placement, enter a pixel quantity.
- Horizontal Space — To display the image to the right of default placement, enter a pixel quantity.
- Click OK.
To Embed Media Using the HTML Editor
You can embed media into Quick Shopping Cart fields that accept HTML.
- From the HTML Editor, click
- From the General tab, enter or select the following:
- Type — Select the type of media to be embedded.
- Filename or URL — Enter the file name or URL for the media.
- Dimensions — Enter the display dimensions, in pixels, of the media.
- Constrain proportions — This is used in conjunction with Dimensions to retain the original media proportions when displayed.
- From the Advanced tab, enter or select the following settings. If not entered, default values are used:
- Id — Identifies the media to the host environment. A browser, for example.
- Name — Names the media to the host environment. A browser, for example.
- Align — Indicates alignment in the browser window.
- Background — Overrides the background color of the file with the selected color. It does not affect the HTML page background color.
- V-Space — Specifies vertical alignment of the media in the browser window.
- H-Space — Specifies horizontal alignment of the media in the browser window.
- Quality — Indicates the playback quality of Flash® media.
- Scale — Specifies the scaling options for Flash media.
- WMode — Adjusts Flash media for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser.
- SAlign — Identifies screen alignment for Flash media.
- Auto play — Specifies whether or not the Flash media begins playing immediately on loading in the browser.
- Loop — Specifies whether the Flash media repeats indefinitely or stops when it reaches the last frame.
- Show menu — Specifies the Flash media menu that is available to the viewer.
- SWLiveConnect — Specifies whether or not the browser should start Java when loading the Flash player for the first time.
- Base — Specifies the base directory or URL used to resolve all relative path statements in the Flash player movie.
- Flashvars — A string value used to send root level variables to the Flash media. The format of the string is a set of name=value combinations separated by '&'.
- Click OK.