Before you initiate a domain name transfer to us (also known as an incoming transfer), the administrative contact (admin) for your domain name must have a valid email address. If you are transfering a .au domain name to us, you must have a valid email address associated with your registrant contact information.
Having a valid admin email address is important because both registrars (your current registrar and us) use it to send you information about the transfer, such as your transfer IDs and authorization code (if required).
If your domain name has private registration, a service that hides your personal information from the public, you cannot verify your admin email address in the Whois database. You must contact your current registrar to cancel the private registration, and then you can change the email address, if necessary.
If you change your admin email address at your current registrar, it can take up to 48 hours to display in the Whois database. After it displays, you can resend the transfer IDs to the updated admin email address. For more information, see How do I resend the transfer IDs to my updated admin email address?