As an administrator in the Parallels Small Business Panel, you can create users and assign roles to them. The roles you assign define each user's permissions on the server.
After creating a user, that person can log in to the control panel and manage settings from the My Services tab. Even if no permissions are assigned, users still have access to their personal file share and any shared files that other users have uploaded into the shared directory. They can also view the user names and email addresses of other users on the system.
The permissions you assign to user roles let you specify access levels. For example, you can assign permissions that allow the webmaster in your organization to publish files to the Web, and manage websites and domain names.
Refer to the role descriptions below to determine which permissions you should assign.
Creating users lets you to give other people access to your network. When you create a user, you assign an email address and a role. You can create an email address based off a domain you added, or, you can use another email address. The role you assign the user affects the access to the control panel. Add your user roles first, and then add users and assign roles to them.