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Using Windows Hosting Form Mailers

We include form mailer scripts with new Windows shared hosting accounts: webformmailer.asp and gdform.php. To use a form mailer, create a Web form in HTML that links to one of our scripts and upload it to your hosting account.

Do not use test@test.com to test your form mailer.

WARNING: The gdform.asp and gdform.php files cannot be recovered if they are deleted.

The form mailers are not installed until you specify the email address you want to use with the form mailer in your account manager. For more information, see Specifying an Email Address for the ASP Form-Mailer.


To Use webformmailer.asp

  1. Create a Web form, assigning unique names to your form fields.
  2. In the form tag, assign _gdForm/webformmailer.asp to the action attribute and set the form method to post:

    <form action="_gdForm/webformmailer.asp" method="post">
  • In addition to the form fields you create, there are three hidden elements you can use.

    form_format determines in what format the information is delivered. Its values are 'text', 'csv', 'html', 'xml', and 'default' (same as 'text').

    form_order dictates in what order the fields are reported. Its values are 'default' (the same order as they appear on in the form), 'alpha' (alphabetized by field name) or a comma-separated, case-sensitive list of all or some field names.

    form_interval determines the frequency and packaging of delivery. To receive one email per form submission, the form_interval values are 'default' (every 10 minutes), 'hourly', and 'daily'. To specify when the attached submissions are received, the form_interval values are 'digest', 'hourly_digest', and 'daily_digest'.

    For example:

    <form action="_gdForm/webformmailer.asp" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Submission" />
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="thankyou.html" />
    First Name:  <input type="text" name="FirstName" />
    Last Name  :<input type="text" name="LastName" />
    Email:  <input type="text" name="email" />
    Comments:  <textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10">
    Type comments here.</textarea>
    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="form_order" value="alpha"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="form_interval" value="hourly"/>
    <input type="hidden" name="form_format" value="html"/>
  • The webformmailer.asp file is accessed through a virtual directory. You cannot modify the file, and it does not display in the file manager.


    Only Windows accounts running IIS 7 can use gdform.php.

    To Use gdform.php

    1. Create your Web form as normal and assign unique names to your form items.

      Keep in mind that our form-mailer script will sort the names of your form items alphabetically when it composes the email message. This is the order of precedence: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers.

    2. For the form action line, enter /gdform.php. For example:
      <form action="/gdform.php" method="post">
    3. Set the form method to "post."
    4. In addition to the fields you create in your form, there are three special fields that you can use: subject, redirect, and email.

      Subject. Controls the subject line in the form email.

      Redirect. Controls the page that your visitors will see after they submit the form.

      Email. Controls the return address for the form email.

      For example:

      <form action="/gdform.php" method="post">
      <nput type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form Submission" />
      <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="thankyou.html" />
      <p>First Name:<input type="text" name="FirstName" /></p>
      <p>Last Name:<input type="text" name="LastName" /></p>
      <p>E-Mail:<input type="text" name="email" /></p>
      <p>Comments:<textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10">
      Type comments here.</textarea></p>
      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/>
    5. Save and upload your file to your hosting account.


    To Use gdform.asp

    WARNING: As of October 29th, 2008, gdform.asp is no longer offered on Windows shared hosting accounts. If your account does not have gdform.asp, these instructions will not work.

    1. Create your Web form as normal and assign unique names to your form items.

      Keep in mind that our form-mailer script will sort the names of your form items alphabetically when it composes the email message. This is the order of precedence: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers.

    2. For the form action line, enter gdform.asp. For example:
      <form action="gdform.asp" method="post">
    3. Set the form method to "post."
    4. In addition to the fields you create in your form, there are three special fields that you can use: subject, redirect, and email.
      • Subject. Controls the subject line in the form email.
      • Redirect. Controls the page that your visitors will see after they submit the form. If the page exists off your hosting root, the subdirectory must be specified.
      • Email. Controls the return address for the form email.

      For example:

      <form action="gdform.asp" method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form Submission" />
      'This example assumes thankyou.html resides in the hosting
      'account root directory.
      'The appropriate path must be supplied if the file
      'exists in a subdirectory.
      <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="thankyou.html" />
      <p>First Name:<input type="text" name="FirstName" />

      <p>Last Name:<input type="text" name="LastName" />

      <p>E-Mail:<input type="text" name="email" />

      <p>Comments:<textarea name="comments" cols="40" rows="10"> Type comments here.</textarea></p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/> </form>
    5. Save and upload your file to your hosting account.

    Your file and gdform.asp need to be placed in the same directory of your hosting account in order for the form to properly function. If the directory in which they reside is off your hosting account root, you must provide the complete confirmation page path in your code.

    For information on reinstalling your default scripts, see Reinstalling the Default Scripts Directory on Windows Shared Hosting.

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