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Frequently Asked Questions

ColdFusion Articles

Will You Install (xxx) CFX Tag for Me?

If there is a CFX tag that you would like to see supported, please contact our support...

How Do I Use ColdFusion Components (CFCs)?

ColdFusion components (CFC) are files saved with the extension CFC. Like custom tags,...

What Type of Client Variable Storage Do You support?

Our servers are configured by default to use cookies for client variable storage. We...

What ColdFusion CFX Tags are Installed my Windows Server?

CFX_jpegresize CFX_JpegResize is a custom ColdFusion;® tag that resizes JPG...

How do I use cffile to upload files?

Using the ColdFusion tag "cffile" allows you to create a web page that supports...

Do you disable any ColdFusion features?

We disable the following features on IIS6 shared hosting accounts, running ColdFusion...

Where Can I Learn More About Working with ColdFusion?

There are a number of places you can visit online to learn more about working with...

Creating a ColdFusion DSN for an Access Database

To use ColdFusion to connect to an Access database, you must create a ColdFusion DSN....

Do I Have to Use Macromedia's Development Tools to Use ColdFusion?

No. ColdFusion is a scripting language similar to PHP. ColdFusion integrates its code...

Creating a ColdFusion DSN for a MySQL Database

To use ColdFusion to connect to a database, you must create a ColdFusion DSN. NOTE:...

What are ColdFusion custom tags and how do I use them?

Custom tags are a way of encapsulating your code so that you can use it on other...

What databases can I use with ColdFusion on my Linux hosting account?

If you are using ColdFusion on your Linux hosting account, you can create a MySQL...

What is ColdFusion?

Like PHP and ASP, you can use ColdFusion to develop dynamic websites and Web...

Which ColdFusion versions does your hosting support?

The list below details which of our hosting accounts support ColdFusion 7 and 8....

What databases can I use with ColdFusion on my Windows hosting account?

If you are using ColdFusion on your Windows hosting account, you can create a MySQL or...

ColdFusion Support

ColdFusion requires an abundance of resources to maintain, so we have decided to...

What is a ColdFusion DSN?

DSN stands for Data Source Name. A ColdFusion DSN is a type of shortcut that...

Can I add ColdFusion to my hosting account?              

No, Cold Fusion is no longer available as an add-on item to our hosting products.

Can I Use the ColdFusion CFFORM and CFMAIL tags?

Yes. The CFFORM tag is a ColdFusion tag that is used to define a form. Similarly, the...

What Are Your ColdFusion Variable Settings?

ColdFusion default and maximum memory variables have been set to 20 minutes for...

Can I use Java in my ColdFusion applications?

Currently, you cannot use JSP, Java servlets, or Java Objects on your ColdFusion...

Why Do You Disable the CFObject Tag and the CreateObject Function? What Can I Use Instead?

We disable the CFObject tag according to Adobe's guidance on how to securely configure...

How do I create a ColdFusion DSN for my SQL Server database?

To use ColdFusion to connect to a database, you must create a ColdFusion DSN. To...

Disabling ColdFusion on Your Windows Hosting Account

ColdFusion can be removed from your hosting account at any time. To Disable...

Can I Run ColdFusion and Java at the Same Time on My Website?

No. Because both of these services are extremely resource intensive, we do not allow...

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